For I am the LORD your God, who churns up the sea so that its waves roar--the LORD Almighty is His name. ... Isaiah 51:15


Our Story

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Sportsmen's Devotional News

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17


Our Story
In 2004, Sportsmen's Devotional was started by a game warden and a few of his close hard-core hunting and fishing friends who were seriously committed to CHRIST. The goal was to reach the regular outdoor guy or gal that related deeply to the outdoors. We desired to grow men and women in the Christian faith as well as produce a devotional that promoted ethics in the outdoors. We wanted to include a sportsmen's tip that was practical and relevant, making life easier while in the wild. Still today, we are the only devotional that includes a new daily photograph!

The concept exploded and grew like wildfire worldwide. Soon SD was looking for more writers and photographers. As our growth continued, we struggled with the monthly bills and needs. But, the extra dollars always seemed to arrive just in time.

SD became popular within the military. We never even thought about reaching men and women in the armed forces, but obviously GOD did as we have a large following among men and women serving our country.

There has not been a week in our history that we have not grown. With all the growth we continue to be an all-volunteer ministry.

We never dreamed we would receive so many emails encouraging us, or so many questions and requests for help and prayer. It has been a privilege answering your
emails. Thank you, for your subscriptions, encouragement, support, and prayer. We are blessed!!!

Your Donation
We have NO paid staff, so ALL donations go directly to support and expand this ministry. We are a worldwide ministry with thousands of members in each state as well as many other countries. We also have a large following among young men and women in the military. If you can, help us by supporting our ministry. At times it has been difficult to keep up with costs associated with SD's growth. We accept no money for ads on our website, so please don't ask.
 Walk In HIS Paths. (WIHP)
Thank you!!

 Make a donation
 Please click on the button below to donate with credit card, debit card, or Paypal and specify the donation amount. Please note Sportsmens Devotional is not a 501c nonprofit.








Bible Verse 2 Day

SD Event / Game Dinner Speakers click here

The Sportsmens Devotional team is continually creating outside the box concepts using the internet. Christting and Bible Verse 2 Day are a few that have been very successful.


To place the Sportsmen's Devotional on your website or Facebook page click here for the link.


Permission to publish Daily Sportsmen's Devotional

Due to our growth worldwide and constant requests to reproduce SD as well as a few wishing to profit from our daily devotional, we have been forced to spell out how our devotional may be used. Our devotional is intended to be a free daily publication. The following are examples of how the devotional may be reproduced: Church publications, magazines, chat rooms/forums/blogs, personal printing, posting, and web sites. One may post the daily SD with the SD logo thus giving credit and authorship to SD. Photos may not be used without the devotional.

Any Christian organization/business may post a link on their web site to SD by using the SD logo as a hot link.

Any other requests just email us.

To look up past devotionals click here.

© Copyright 2005, Sportsmen's Devotional. All rights reserved worldwide.

Sportsmen's Devotional may not be reproduced for any financial gain.



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© Copyright 2005, Sportsmen's Devotional. All rights reserved worldwide.
Sportsmen's Devotional may not be reproduced for any financial gain.

Webmaster Frank Turben - Computer Help